Master of Arts in Social and Development Studies

The Master of Arts in Social and Development Studies (MASDS) is a graduate degree program that utilizes approaches from various social science disciplines to analyze the problems and issues of development. Development is a complex process that brings about change not only in the economy, but also in the politics, culture, and ecology of a society. This has found strong affirmation from the varied experiences of peoples in different countries across regions of the world. The program of study follows the lead of scholars of development studies who harness social science theory together with empirical and policy analysis to provide a better understanding of the process of development.


The MASDS is suited to BA/BS degree holders with sufficient background in the social sciences (anthropology, psychology, history, philosophy, economics, political science) and intend to join government and non-governmental institutions engaged in the planning and design of social and economic development at local, national, or international levels.

©2020 Photos by JDMendoza and Office of Public Affairs

Faculty Profile

©2020 Photo by JDMendoza

Abayao, Leah E.
PhD in History
University of the Philippines, 2010

Boquiren, Arturo C.
MA Economics
University of the Philippines, 1999

Cariño, Jessica K.
MA Asian Studies
University of the Philippines, 1985

Ciencia, Alejandro Jr. N.
PhD in Political Science
University of the Philippines, 2010

Colongon, Arellano Jr. A.
MA  Political Science
University of the  Philippines, 1994

Cruz, Gladys A.
MA  Social and Development Studies
University of the  Philippines, 1990

Delos Reyes, Charita A. 
PhD  in History,
University of the Philippines, 2014

Diaz, Maria Ana D.
MS Psychology
Saint Louis University, 1995

Diaz, Victoria Lourdes C.
MS Sociology and Anthropology
Purdue University, 1988

Florendo Maria Nela B.
PhD in Philippine Studies
University of the Philippines, 1992


Josef, Jennifer C.
PhD in Anthropology
University of the Philippines, 2018

Muñoz, Analyn B.
MA History
University of the Philippines, 2013

Balmores-Paulino, Rozel S.
PhD in Psychology
University of the Philippines, 2016

Peñalba, Maileenita A.
MA Political Science
University of the Philippines, 2012

Prill-Brett, June
PhD in Anthropology
University of the Philippines,1987
(Professor Emeritus)

Ram, Evangeline F.
MS Psychology
Saint Louis University, 1987

Ramos, Tala Aurora S.

PhD in Anthropology
University of the Philippines, 2016

Rovillos, Raymundo D.
PhD in History
University of the Philippines, 2005

Salvador-Amores, Analyn V.
DPhil. Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Oxford, 2011
San Luis, Ma. Cecilia
PhD in Sociology
University of the Philippines, 2015



Canilao, Narcisa P.
PhD in Philosophy
University of Santo Tomas, 1994

Costales, Achilles C.
PhD in Agricultural Economics
University of the Philippines, 1990

Mendoza, Julius D.
PhD in Philosophy
Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, 1990


Contact Information

©2020 Photo by JDMendoza

MASDS Program Coordinator
College of Social Sciences
University of the Philippines Baguio
Gov. Pack Road, Baguio City 2600 
Telefax No. +63 (074) 442-2427